Hey all

Hey all! This is neat to have a site devoted to us that struggle! Anybody wanna talk I'm here! Only 2 weeks in! No booze.


Hi Jenny, Doing pretty good today without alcohol today! One day at a time


Great job so far! One day at a time is a cliche but it's true.

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Yes, this is great thing! I can be surrounded by family and friends and still feel alone and isolated because no one understands the struggle. That's why I came!


Congrats to everyone on this thread!

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I'm sorry you feel isolated- but I am glad you are here!

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Hey, Jenny. I hope there are cool non-boozey things to keep you occupied in Hutch. I used to live in Topeka.

Two weeks is quite a feat. That is awesome.

Congrats :balloon:

I remember my first two weeks...what a nightmare. How are you doing?