Hey all. New here. 2 days sober after a major

Hey all. New here. 2 days sober after a major relapse in which I got a DUI 2nd and basically imploded my life.
But I’m still here by god


Ouch! I’ve been there, it’s not the end of the world though….It may look that way but this too will soon pass.

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Keep coming back. It will get better.

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Glad you're here. What is your solution this time?

I am so sorry bro. For now try to stay positive. There are enough people looking to tear you down. Don't be one of them. Accept what you did. Now what can you do to start rebuilding?

It's tough. Been there too. But living life sober is so much better. I feel like I'm really living for the first time in a long time. May good things come your way. :heart:

Time to get the broom and the glue. When everything falls apart salvage what you can and build something new. As bad as it sucks, it isn't the end.

Don't drink pray get to a meeting find a sponsor to guide you through the steps. I've been where your at and truly everything will get better. The only thing that can make things worse is to drink. Sending spiritual vibes😎

What are you going to change so you don't repeat the same cycle?