Hey all, I'm six days sober. Relapsed last year after

Hey all, I'm six days sober. Relapsed last year after almost 4.5 years sober. I'm homeless and my ex husband has filed for custody modification. Good news is that I'm getting into a treatment program. I've never been so alone, this is my rock bottom.

I am grateful that you have found a facility to call home for a bit while you get back on track.

What kept you sober for 4.5 years? I hope you learn a great deal from this setback and apply that knowledge every day from now on.

You can do it Natasha. we are here rooting for you.

Thanks I feel better knowing I'm not alone!

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PS my judge and AG officer both loved my voluntary willingness to go to 12 step program. I did not see my kids for 90 days but now everything is back to normal and I see or talk to them every single day.

Mine are 2 girls. 8 and 10. How about you?

I have 3 beautiful boys. I have been able to see the youngest 2 in the past couple of days, which has been awesome. Yes, I signed for a release on my drug testing so they know that I'm sober and serious about it.


Your not alone take time to heal

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Prayers...children weigh heavy on a parents soul and if you don't do something about it now...it will only bring you down more and the next thing you know you're 10 years out and the heaviness you have carried you can't hold anymore...and you go to a very dark place that is called misery, a rapid debilitating but slow death of self worth. We were created with love, anything that is opposite of that is not meant to exist...thats why we keep on trying. That is our nature and what was intended. You're in my prayers Natasha...do not give up trying. You are here right now for a purpose that is meant for good.

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