Help i need your thoughts

I keep on fallling off the wagon. I know im better than this.what a shameful thing too feel

If one really wants recovery from addiction, then I'd suggest joining a 12 Step fellowship. They're free, supportive and effective. I just celebrated 3 years clean this month. Could NOT have done it by myself. Thank-you.


Thank you for your shareing

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Don’t feel shame. Don‘t feel guilt.
Feel powerful that you keep recognizing you need help. That’s something to be happy about.


Take a long serious look at step one. Until I fully accepted I couldn't stay sober either.


I spent half my life at 34 denying I had an alcohol and drug problem. I say alcohol first because it was my gateway drug. That was almost 13 years ago. Without the grace of God and AA I wouldn’t be at this point. In my experience I had to absolutely surrender to Step 1, establish a spiritual connection with God (for me it started as Good Orderly Direction) and put in twice as much effort getting and staying sober as I did in feeding my active alcoholism and drug addiction. That was just the beginning, the rest you’ll find in the rooms of AA, it absolutely works if you work it.

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Sup Don. Keep climbing back on that wagon!


@don87325, I don't have much to add. I agree with what everyone stated. I believe in you. Keep going.

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