Hello to anyone listening

Hello to anyone listening. I am sitting here after 4 large shots of vodka at 10:30 am and I am done with this. I have overcome opioid addiction, used Kratom to ease those withdrawals, got addicted to that and finally ended it two weeks ago. That's when alcohol became my crutch. Every day, early morning til going to bed. A half gallon every three days. I have been weaning down, planning to completely stop tomorrow, Dec. 20. Just looking for support, advise, a network of people like me to get me through. Please anybody, help!


Hi, Rick! I'm glad you are here. You have a support system here. And friends.

I'm certain you won't have a problem eliminating alcohol. You have beat other addictions. You got this.

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Hello Rick! You have accomplished the hardest step- reaching out/admitting you need help. When I went to my first meeting, I just listened without any pressure of sharing. I use tge AA meeting app to find meetings around me and come here to chat when meetings aren't in session. If you need to chat, please reach out.

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Hey buddy! Great job!! Juse please be careful on the cold turkey thing with booze!

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Hey Rick that's truly and an amazing accomplishment tapering off the opioids successfully, that's not an easy thing to do; and that's an understatement coming from personal experience. Don't beat yourself up as far as the alcohol goes, it sounds like you're truly committed and that's the only thing that will get you through it. And like someone else mentioned just be careful with the alcohol taper it's one of two substances where to rapid of withdrawal can cause severe side effects namely seizures and even worse fatality. Just keep your chin up brother Angel make it through to the other side. You got this!

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I'm in the same boat and need the support as well so if your down to chat let me know.. and congrats we all need to make the fi rd st step to get thru this

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Thank you so much.

Still learning my way around this app. Thank you. I accepted your request and will reach if I need to.

Thank you Erika. I will be careful and strong.

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Thank you Michael.bI will be careful with the col turkey. Glad you all are here. I'm alone in this.

Reach out anytime Ryan. Thank you brother!!

I'm sorry brother, my finer slipped. Didn't mean to mis spell your name.I'll

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You’re not alone! We got you. Sign in to a Zoom meeting later toniggt.


I have zoom. Is there a link. I would love to join.

Quitting cold turkey can literally be fatal. Please reach out to professionals if you have the slightest doubt that your withdrawal is too strong. Here's a link to some great online meetings



I hooe its going well Rick!!

Hey Rick where are you located? I can send you a Zoom link for people in your area.

You're not alone…we're here. I learned very quickly here that this is a very special community. Good people good friends. :slight_smile: