Hello to all in recovery,

Hello to all in recovery,
Today I have 575 days clean and sober. I’m working my program to the best of my ability. I’ve found God, my higher power of my understanding, to be the guiding force that’s bringing my peace, joy and abundance.
If you asked me if I would be this at peace with my past 575 days ago I would have laughed out loud hard! This spiritual journey has been full of surprises, unexpected realization, anger, fear, resentments, harms, joy, sadness, emotional roller coaster, tears (both sad and happiness) and most of all self love. Once I gave into the idea that I had no control over my life I could then in turn become receptive to new ideas, ways of thinking, resources and clarity. It’s all about when we let go of our past and focus on the present can we begin to heal our minds and body and soul. For me, I had to stop drinking, doing meth, caffeine, tobacco and junk foods ( mainly sugar) in order to figure out just how out of balance I was with myself and the world.
I stopped meth and alcohol first. Detoxed one week at home ( not recommending anyone detox from alcohol at home, I was more on meth then alcohol at the time of detoxing) for a week before I checked myself into Kaiser’s chemical dependency and mental health clinic. A month later I decided to quit tobacco. Then Caffeine. I had realized that I needed to cut out all stimulants from my life. I still battled depression and anxiety and confusion. I forgot to mention I was kicked out of my home (temporary restraining order) had to move in with my dad, who at that time had a rocky relationship with. We now have a beautiful relationship. I did out patient treatment for 40 days with Kaiser and had a breakdown. I needed something more then just group therapy. I really felt I couldn’t handle life. I went into an inpatient rehab facility. Spent 30 days there. Best 30 days of my life.
Part 2 coming soon….


Congrats! :tada:

Thank you

Congrats ! Thanks for sharing :tada:


You're welcome.

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Congratulations :clap:. Thank you for sharing your amazing story. So glad you're doing well.

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I am sober 42happy and wonderful years

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Welcome :hugs:


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Awesome...thank you for sharing...I'm so happy for you..being sober is like seeing in color for the first time. It's all beautiful even the things we thought were ugly.

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Thank you Lynn!

Thank you Julie!

Thank you :pray:
I fought it for about the first 55 days of sobriety. Then I started to notice subtle signs that I was supposed to see or here or even certain people would come into my life. Some of them just enough time for them to give me the info and strength I needed at that time. That right there taught me that people come and people go. It’s ok I don’t have to hold on to anyone. My door is always open. I’m a believer from my own experiences. I do hope all in recovery gets the opportunity to have those experiences.