Hello last night so close to use

Hello last night so close to use. I went to bed but my mind kept Thinking, I was getting bored Thinking and then I had a second of a fantasy and Boom. I had Grindr on my phone. Luckily I said to myself I want more than this so I deleted the app and finely went to sleep. What a live dramatic, intense nightmare!! Yes that’s correct I been living a nightmare in active addiction all of these years it’s like we are in autopilot. I wasn’t living life. I say let the brightmare begin and time to live life.


Yes, it’s time to live life. Let’s make the best of it.

I told my husband the other day that I feel we don’t know much about our city, i.e., fun activities. I completed a Google Search to find cheap or inexpensive activities. I found quite a few. So I have a fun activity planned we can do every weekend through the end of June. This is part of us being better at living life. I want to enjoy it!

Hey there, Hugo! Glad to hear you fought the urge! Keep fighting the good fight!

Very good! It is hard to redirect our minds sometimes, but the outcome is the same when we fall back into our addiction

Keep fighting those F’in demons..

Cool, glad to hear that you fought it..