Hello. I'm brand new here

Hello. I'm brand new here, just installed the app a few minutes ago. I need to quit drinking for my mental and physical health. I want to be happy and healthy, and I am so NOT right now! Any tips for how to best use this app?

Hi, Deb. Connect with others. Continue to do so by creating posts just like this one and don't be afraid to ask for help. Discuss things you have in common with others.

We're grateful you're here.

Hi Deb! You sound like me when I quit drinking last summer. was tough at first and I had days wondering what the heck I was doing…. but it’s all been worth it and I feel so much better! Read lots of quit lit, that helped a ton! And reach out when you’re having a bad day, there Are tons of support groups out there.

If you have the means I would seriously recommend going to detox at then impatient then IOP. Get a sponsor of the same sex and work the steps. It's easy to get sober Even though you feel horrible, it's staying sober that's hard in my experience. I suggest a detox and IOP at the very least because in a good detox they can make sure you don't have a seizure which is one of the dangers coming off alcohol and benzos. A person can have seizures of which you can die from also it will be more comfortable, they have comfort meds so it won't be quite as horrible and painful. Then find AA meetings you like there are a bunch. I stopped drinking cold turkey and ended up in the hospital More than once from bad seizures. Not trying to scare you but alcohol is a powerful drug. I can elaborate more if youd like. Everyone is here to help each other so don't be shy asking questions you may get responses that conflict but if you stick with it you'll find your path. Gongrats taking your first steps to a life you can be happy with and unashamed.

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