Hello I'm Alicia and I just joined this app this

Hello I'm Alicia and I just joined this app this evening. Im 2days sober and in a shelter for help with my 4yr old son in Minnesota (by choice) I'm ready to receive all the new good stuff that God has been waiting on me to do. I'm finally trying this sobriety out after losing so much last year. I'm ready for better life experiences for not only me but for my son because he deserves the :earth_americas: :relieved: :100: :sparkles: :pray: :raised_hands:


Hi, welcome. I’m Tom I’ve been clean for a little over eight years. I was like the walking dead nine years ago. If I can do it you can do it.


Hey Tom. Thank you ! And wow 9years is amazing :clap: im only 2 days right now. Starting over but so far I feel great. The other times I went without at least a beer for a day it would irritated me but for some reason I don't even have a taste for any liquor just food lol

Wishing you two the best… I’m on day 5- also have a 4 year old.

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@Natasha98266 thank you love. Thats good though. You got this. Our little ones are looking up to us. We have to start somewhere! :innocent:

Absolutely, I knew I couldn’t procrastinate any longer- she was all up in my stuff… she’s a sponge and definitely don’t want her absorbing that behavior. You sound committed- I definitely wish I did this a while ago.

Good job. Way to do what is best for you and your kid. Keep it up. You should be proud of yourself.