Hello I’m new here I am 44yo 13 years clean and sober

Hello I’m new here I am 44 yrso, a 13 years recovering alcoholic with dual diagnosis. Whose worked the steps completely. Being of service. Working a program of service and faith exploring fellowship of unity in AA recovery. I’m getting my second moderna shot tomorrow and will try to answer any replies within a few days if possible.I believe in you all.

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Howdy, 13 years.. Awesome, good for you. The AA concept is sound. I would not be sober today without the teachings of the AA fellowship. Very grateful to have that as a continued resource. Be thorough, no half measures. To be useful, be kind to myself and others and give away freely what was freely given to me are some of my favorite lessons learned from AA. Welcome, hope the shot goes well. :v: out!


But it isn’t just about me

No? Why do you do the things you do? Do those things serve you? Can you elaborate? I ask these questions with all due respect, I am not pursuing right or wrong. I simply am looking to stimulate my mind! :blush:

Are you talking about " being useful" that seemed to be the ultimate goal of 12 step philosophies. Which is awesome, and just my opinion. I would be shocked if most folks felt the same about the simplicity of my 12 step experience. However I would be lying if I said it didn't take a long time to come to this conclusion.