Hello! I am really hoping having this connection will help

Hello! I am really hoping having this connection will help me stay sober! Thank you for being here

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Hey there Michelle! Being on this app can definitely be positive. There are a lot of people on here supporting each other and giving advice!

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Are you okay girl

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Thank you!

Yes, I am ok. I keep going back to the wine. It is difficult going it alone...I am glad I found this group!


I hear ya on that! And believe it or not, wine is the very last thing that I gave up years ago!!! So I surely understand where you are coming from!

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The battle is real for sure!

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What you said about going it alone is very true. But in my experience, I found that I was better going it alone than going it with a bottle with me! But yes, the battle is very real!

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Thank you!

Yes a battle with myself is the worst.

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Your not alone, I want to every day, but talking to someone helps