Hello I am Johnny I am 53 years old I

Hello I am Johnny I am 53 years old I am on 107 days clean from heroin looking to find a nice lady in sobriety to spend some time with I would love for you to get back with me


Congrats on getting clean.

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Thank you very much how are you

I agree with Adam. I got into a few relationships early in sobriety and I wasn’t in my right mind set yet. I understand you may feel lonely. It’s just a feeling. Feelings come and go. I had to find out the hard way. And now I’m more interested in making friends then anything else. Plus a year gives you time to figure out who you are and what you’re looking for in a relationship.
Happy sobriety


Thanks all

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Thanks again

I agree with Adam
I know it's hard to hear that right now. I know it was for me. It's great that you have been sober for 107 days but getting into a relationship is the last thing you need in early sobriety.
You are in the early healing days right now and relationships under the right circumstances can cause us to relapse. It happens all the time and it happened to me several times.

You have plenty of time, don't worry. Just go to meetings and take it one day at a time.


I'm well. How are you?

Be careful ,I have trained one for another ,not saying a healthy relationship is not beneficial, but finding a healthy relationship if you are a addict came be challenging, no one can fix you but God and you



This is not my first rodeo u relaps I am sure your program is not perfect mr aa

Adam not my first time around ovisley u didn't do something wright I hate people when they try 2 work ur program and not there's

Wow, stunning diagnosis doc. Where did you get you psych degree? A crackerjack box?

Not angry. Just amazed by how many armchair psychologist there are in the world.

See there you go again, diagnosing people's mental state. You must be a psychological savant

Wow you really are good.

By the way, savant is a small word. superfluous...now that is a big word.

Same to you, doc.

I would say the point Aaron is trying to get you and others to see is, don’t tell people what they think or how they feel. You aren’t in their headspace. Try asking. For example, if you feel that someone isn’t ready for dating. Instead of saying they aren’t ready, try asking something like, “Are you sure you are ready to start dating? It is a big step that needs steady ground to take.”

Well said Steven.

Please find healthy thinking, that good feeling in your gut ,I spent 10 years catering to a woman that was not getting sobriety, I had 6 months then she died of alcohol last year, guess what now I get to start figuring out how to do it alone. You are in a better place at that point sir, character defects laughing and beating me it to the dust, fix your thinking , find happiness in your self first