Hello. How's everyone doing?

Hello. How's everyone doing?

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Hello! Doing fine and you?

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Hi excellent and how are you?

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Eh, could be better. 2nd day sober (alcohol). I'm not craving it but I did lose my best friend recently to a massive heart attack and I'm trying to keep it together here. I joined today so seek inspiration and motivation. My head's in shambles.

^to seek

The act of seeking a spiritual solution is exactly what we do in AA. Keep seeking and stick with the WE program as Bill and Bob intended. Get a temporary sponsor to begin to guide you in the right direction. We need each other.

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I’m sorry to hear that…yeah losing people thing is not cool at all.let me know if you ever just need someone to talk to ok.

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You’re feelings for the loss of a loved one is normal. Don’t cave in for a drink, ask for help. Life on life’s terms

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Thank you. How do I get a temporary sponsor? Do I have to join AA?

Thank you, Jerry!

Why don't you just go to a meeting if you drink or drug and look for help from other women who have years of sobriety or clean time to show you how they did it. If you like it. Go back. If you don't like it, go back anyway. www.aa.org

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I'm not religious

Neither am I