Hello everyone....sorry I don't have a picture up. I just

Hello everyone....sorry I don't have a picture up. I just got out of rehab for alcohol and looking to meet some folks and friends and find my path.


Hi Emily, don’t worry about the picture. Just glad your in recovery

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Thank you Ryan. It's my first day being out of rehab...it was a detox situation but it was my 4th time. I also have an 8 yr old son.

I'm very pleased to meet you ! Glad you're here !:heartbeat:

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Thank you Sara B. It feels good to expand and meet others with the same situation.

Hi Emily, We're here for Support..Take it one day a time..

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Emily, just be grateful you made it back, many, many don’t. Praying for you

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If you want to hit some meetings im always down. Im in Lilburn GA

Hi Emily :wave:
My name is James from DC. I'm pleased to meet you; if you want to talk, just reach out here.

Congratulation! WA state here. Did a 28 day treatment 8 months ago. Still sober, and the best decision I've ever made.

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Welcome to the community... take things one day at a time and things will get better before you know it.

Try to find a female sponsor asap, it will help

Hi Emily I am in my homestretch of rehab myself. One message that was drilled into us here is if you are not working on your recovery then you are working on your relapse. Are you doing thelow 90 in 90 walk? I def am going to. My kids are reason enough for me

Welcome, stay strong

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Glad your here lots of good folks and support all looking for that better path in life! You got this !

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What's the 90 in 90 walk?

How do I find a sponsor on here?

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Glad you are here some times in the beginning it’s one minute at a time good to sign in if gets that strong. Congrats on another day

Hey Emily, if you would like a Virtual Sponsor, I would love to be your Support! I had a loved one pass away from Alcohol in 2019. You can do this! Continue to reach out for the great things in front of You & leave the the bad things from the past!

Aloha! Congratulations on finishing treatment. Huge accomplishment! This is a great community with tons of support. Welcome!