Hello everyone. I just downloaded the app. I'm trying to

Hello everyone. I just downloaded the app. I'm trying to do everything I can to stay sober. 26 days today

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Hi it will be tough at first but over time it will get a whole lot better!! Hang in there your life quality of life depends on it!! You see!?

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Welcome aboard. Congratulations on 26. You got this.

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Hi, Jess. Welcome. Congrats on Day 26.

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Welcome Jess. Are you in any meetings?

I was going to AA. I emailed someone in Celebrate Recovery and asked if I could attend a meeting and bring my kids

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If Celebrate does not pan out, or if you want to try a different AA group, We welcome all. I’ll send you the zoom link. We meet everyday, same time 365 days a year. 830am EST.

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