Hello everyone? I am new to the app

Hello everyone? I am new to the app.



Thank you! I and 57 days clean, just spent 40 of them in rehab. I have been home two weeks now. This is the hardest thing I have ever done


Welcome Tiffany. Hopefully you find some lady friends to chat with and support

Congratulations Tiffany. Especially when you’re 57 days clean. I know how hard that is very. This is a great app to be on. Lots of great things have been said on here. Don’t be afraid to open up to people we are all here for the same reason our sobriety. And we’re all here to help one another. And that’s what the family is supposed to do help one another. So welcome to the family

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60 days is very important but don’t get too cocky either.

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Welcome, Tiffany!! I'm so happy you're here.

Talk as much as you need to talk. Take it one day at a time and keep it simple. (Oh boy do I sound like the "Old Timer" that I am!!)

Tiffany, you can do this. It doesn't get easier. It gets better.

I am sober since I was 17. 8/9/86. It can be done. I promise!!

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Hello Tiffany! Welcome :hugs: how many days do you have?

Welcome Tiffany

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Hello and welcome

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Well Tiffany I'm to this app as well stay safe

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Now 58 days

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Woohoo! Congrats! Feels great, right?