Hello everyone I am brand new here

Hello everyone I am brand new here. I am a recovering herion addict. My sobriety date is Jan 28th 2020. I have my days good and bad but still have not relapsed. I had a very hard day today. I am extremely overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do to get my life back. I lost everything including my 10 year relationship. I am having a very hard time because of all the emotions I am feeling and o am now alone.



Welcome Mel and you are not alone :slight_smile:

One day at a time

What you’re feeling is normal and difficult. Learning to deal with life on lifes terms is the key and getting out of self. Worst thing I could do was isolate and get lost in my thoughts and emotions. I had to focus on the here and now. Hang in there :pray:t4:

Welcome, when you’re here you aren’t alone. one minute, hour and day at a time. I lost a 12 year relationship due to alcohol. went to several detox and treatment centers. You will find a way. It took me a year to find mine. now I see my son often and I have my career still. There is much to look forward to. :relieved: