Hello everyone. Anyone else struggling with the quality of intimacy

Hello everyone. Anyone else struggling with the quality of intimacy in friendships/relationships during this bs?

Hello: As a recovering addict, intimacy is process that's ongoing. It's something that I have to work at. One of my shortcomings is “people pleasing." So, what I may view as" becoming more intimate, " is not that at all. I'm currently working on Step Seven, and a lot of this is new to me. Working on myself, feeling certain feelings, changing the way I interact with and view others, is all relatively new for me. I'm SO used to being high all the time and viewing the world that way. I'm doing my best though. I know that this is a long answer, but I don't know that'd I'd say I was struggling with intimacy but that I'm working on it. Great topic!! Thanks.

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More specifically, in my situation, I found that first And foremost in addition to being an alcoholic, I was a workaholic. I went to meetings, but in my town the people there are my contemporaries. They are mostly 55 and up. I had no one my own age in recovery to bond with. Wich I didn’t notice as being a problem because, frankly I was too busy to notice, I was staying sober and got my socialization at work. ( restaurant work) when the pandemic hit, and work slowed to a crawl I eventually relapsed. I went to detox where I met three complete strangers and we were inseparable for five days. We laughed harder than I’d laughed in a long long time. We shared serious things. It opened my eyes to what has been missing in my life.

“ are NOT my contemporaries”