Heat and ignoring water does not mix. Low BP 78/62

Heat and ignoring water does not mix. Low BP 78/62. Stood up too quickly then hit the floor.

Go away. Take your Nigerian bullshit with you.

Excuse me? Lol I was born and raised in Boston you idiot

I actually fainted because I am a type2 diabetic and did not take care of myself today. Would you like to see the crack in the door trim where slammed my head? Where on earth did you get Nigerian?

There was a spammer/scammer from Nigeria who made some stupid comment. I replied to that, and then that account was deleted.

I love Boston. I lived there for 7 years. Actually going to visit in August.

Sorry for your fall.

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And the confusion

Oh I am sorry I think that chicken tried to friend me. No longer exists. I humor them...

What area? I was inthe Worcester area. All restrictions lifted on Saturday

I lived there in my early 20’s. In the city, no car, got around on foot or by T, great years. Long before things got really rough, but the writing was on the wall.

It is a great place I lived inthe burbs but loved going into fenway to see the Sox play. Was at game 7 of 1986 league championship with the angels and got to see a young Roger Clemens work magic.