
How long after you stop drinking does the headache go away?

It sucked a bit. But I didn't drink and I found out how long it took. One day at a time, you will find out too.

Headaches are common for sure. They occur during the detox process. As far as them going away, that varies person to person. Pay close attention to your symptoms and reach out to a doctor if the symptoms seem unmanageable. Hang in there. Don't let the symptoms keep you away from sobriety.

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They're getting better everyday

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That's good to hear. Be sure to be attentive and get medical help if things don't improve. Detoxing unsupervised can be deadly. I say that because it's true and I want you to be safe.

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I have had a gran Mal seizure and stroke from detoxing alone before so I try to be very aware. Thank you. Luckily it was just a day of binge so a nasty hangover and still headaches but I am remaining aware of my body.

Currently going through this.

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How are you getting through them?

Currently detoxing a little past 24 Hours since last drink it’s not pretty

I'm glad you know to take precautions. I want you to be healthy.