He chose her over me

I feel really down

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So been there….:sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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I'm sorry you're hurting.

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Thank you for your support I really did chose to stay clean I have 82 days today and I’m so confused with the emotions I’m feeling.. I feel hurt and sad yet free and liberated


He did it so many times before but this is going to be the last time I will let him do it
He did it in front of her and her daughter

Hey Amanda
Thank you

Joe, your words truly mean a lot
I just talked to my sponsor and she tells me the same.. in the past ive attached myself to relationships but this time I’m choosing the program..

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Hey Eric thank you for that reminder
It’s so uncomfortable to put my needs and wants first but if I don’t do it no one will

Oh I completely agree with you joe
I make it so complicated as well and I’m sort done with it

I’m sorry girl... I know this hurts however you keep moving forward and your shine will be so bright. Don’t let a man still your shine- I did for years. I also was devastated and hurt that he “chose her over me” and I allowed my pain to get the best of me. You’ve got this!

Focus on bettering yourself. Be the best version of yourself you can. Use that emotion and pain as strength and fight though it. You got this

For so many years I let this person take all my shine. For so many years I begged him and I’m full of shame and guilt for letting myself get to this point
I’m so overwhelmed with emotions but I don’t want to continue to feel this pain. I don’t want to continue to watch him love her. I have to step away if I want to make it out alive

Caleb thank you for your words
I’m trying to take one step at a time
Doing laundry without him is so uncomfortable but I’m just playing the tape over and over the years nothing has changed it’s just gotten worse

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The feelings will pass.. that’s what my sponsor tells me
I wish they will pass faster but it’s a process I can’t force to be wuick


Just means he ain't worth your time sis. Keep moving forward. Someday the guy who you deserve will show up.

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It takes time to get over someone, but in the future you will be so grateful that you dodged this one.


Work on yourself, learn who you are before looking for another guy. You will find out what you really want, what is worthy of your love. Stay sober, stay strong

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Hello Vee,
I know it hurts like he'll.
Now, it's time for you to choose YOURSELF over everyone else. Focus on your recovery.
All the best to you.

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Hey kris

I know the feeling too well Vee. My wife now wants a divorce based on my latest relapse. She is just done. :disappointed:

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