Having such a hard time not drinking at night

Having such a hard time not drinking at night. I just want to sleep. What is wrong with me. I know it’s bad for your health


How long have you been sober? I ask because in early sobriety insomnia is very common. It does fade over time. If you've been sober a while and you still fight it you might talk to your doctor.

Hey Debi! There’s nothing wrong with you. Alcohol is an addictive poison and was designed to make us want more of it, even when we know we shouldn’t. And the fact that you mentioned that you can’t stop “at night” tells me that you might just have a really strong habit on your hands. One that could be replaced with a different, healthier habit. It’s also important to consider that, if you’ve been using booze to help you sleep, maybe you are self-medicating. In which case, making an appt to talk with a doctor might help.

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