Having a really rough night. I just wanted to say

Having a really rough night. I just wanted to say on here that I hope everyone is okay. I wish for everyone to find peace. To feel relief in a healthy way. And that I hope good things come to you. Im sending everyone good vibes tonight. And if anyone else is also having a hard time tonight, you're not alone. I hope the rest of your night/day gets better.

Hey Liz. I'm not having a rough night but thanks for the good vibes and I send good vibes back at ya. My go to when I am having a rough night is a super hot shower then jump into a cold bed. There's scientific evidence that this sort of shock helps reset the brain. Hopefully into a better frame of mind. If that's too much effort then the cold water in the face thing does actually sometimes work. Just remember. This too shall pass.

If you need to talk on the phone. I'm up Liz. You got this! Stay strong Liz!