Having a really hard time my bf is going to

Having a really hard time my bf is going to treatment and he won’t stop fighting with me . I feel like this is an avoidance tactic I don’t know what to do he really needs help.

Listen to Eric.
If your struggling at this time then what are you doing different than a month ago??
Sounds like your boyfriend may be going to treatment for you and he resents that.
As Eric said is that your are only responsible for yourself. Your boyfriend has to deal with his own side of the street.
Have you been talking with you sponsor??
Your friends in the program.
Making calls
Recite the Serenity Prayer and hear the words.
If your working the program to the best of you ability and are still having a hard time then all I can say is
This to will pass!!!


Thank you

What Eric said.

Co-dependence is a curse. Stay in your lane, and you do you.

When two people are drowning, the one thing that will always condemn the both to die is them trying to help the other person swim. If you are struggling to swim yourself you are in no condition to help another person swim. You can encourage them once you are safe. You can even help them with a life line or send a lifeguard after them, once you are on shore. Until then, swim and let them do the same.

I agree with Eric.

Ahh the famous drowning analogy I needed this thank you!

I agree with Eric too

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