Having a hard time getting further than 48 hours

Having a hard time getting further than 48 hours.. couldn’t say no to the needle again.. I am just so alone in this. I mean, I have no family where I live, zero. Me and my kids, I can’t reach out to their dads. I don’t have any friends really, none that I feel close enough to confide in, and the ones I do feel like I can talk to are either users too or they just plan don’t give a shit to be any real support.. I’ve climbed out of a way darker place and got my life back, I feel so guilty that I’m putting it all in jeopardy.


Pray ask god for help

I am an opiate addict 6 years clean never believed in god one day I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and asked god for help. Hit me up if you like to chat

Sorry to hear... yikes! New to this app, going through my own heart shit right now, but if there’s any way I can support you... I wound love to be able to!

Drop to your knees and pray for God's strength and mercy. Hugs

Hi, Holly. Thanks for sharing this with us. As everyone else said: pray and attend a meeting. www.na.org has meetings listed.

You can definitely continue to talk with us. We're family.

Hang in there.