Having a bad day

What’re your tips for how to get through a bad day without drinking/using?

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i have learned that when u have a bad day and u use then that day gets horrendously worse and id rather just face the bad days with how bad my days were when substances were involved. Ppl know when ur on drugs and alcohol which would in my opinion make that day a discussion of what are u on??

Tr to resolve the issue that made it bad so it doesn't go from becoming a hill to a mountain. Or, if it's something that can't be addressed immediately then do stuff that makes you happy.

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True this is a good point!

Love these ideas, thanks.

I like to get outside for a walk or run… I also come here, usually find a fresh perspective.

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“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.
When I am disturbed,
It is because I find some person, place, thing, situation —
Some fact of my life — unacceptable to me, And I can find no serenity until I accept
That person, place, thing, or situation
As being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.
Unless I accept life completely on life’s terms,
I cannot be happy.
I need to concentrate not so much
On what needs to be changed in the world
As on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.” Alcoholics Anonymous

Sobriety is definitely the easier softer way. Problems of Life dont get easier after we first get sober. But if we take things a day at a time we find out that we get better and better at handling problems.

Play the scene forward. If you're thinking about picking up and using, play the scene forward. How will you feel after you do the first drink? How are you going to feel the next morning? Are things really going to be better for you? What I have learned out of all the times that I had to start over again is that the idea that picking up a drink or drug is going to help me feel better is nothing more than a BIG FAT LIE!

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I have found excercise and meditation help calm my brain and keep me from being overwhelmed. Like others have said dealing with why you are having a bad day is most important. When I am really having a tough time I clean, organize, aand do productive things. It occupies my mind and gives me a sense of accomplishment.

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Talking to other alcoholics helps. Also thanking my higher power for that which I am grateful for. It is impossible to be grateful and frustrated simultaneously

I just got VR for playstation. The games are fun

I think that's a good time to remember why you got sober in the first place, and how devastating life was before that. It would also be good to reach out to anyone that knows what you're going through. Do your best to stay occupied and the day will go by much faster.

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I look at my dog and remind myself of the promise I made to not let him see me drunk. That Ive made it this far without using, and there are people who ive never even met that would be cheering me on to continue being sober. Its really hard, but its worth it in the end.

Are you personally having a bad day Allie? I'm sorry if you are and if you wanna message me to vent I'm around. I either talk to a friend… or sometimes I need alone time. Going for a drive with some loud music usually helps.

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Being completely honest to myself and then voicing it to a friend really has been helping me alot

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Hope you're feeling better. I have found working out and finding small victories rewarding. Moreover, any hobbies no matter how trivial they may seem — anything quasi uplifting helps and can snowball into more peace. Much love.

Talking with a friend helps me too

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Getting outside is so helpful. I’ve noticed it’s also preventative in the sense that, when I go for a walk or run in the morning, I’m less likely to have a bad day. I hate how cold it’s been lately because it’s been preventing me from going out as much