Have you told your friends about your sobritiey or did

Have you told your friends about your sobritiey or did you just let it happen?

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I told the ones I thought needed to know.

I tell everyone. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, but I have everything to lose.

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I tell people that I know will give me positive feedback.

Yes and it was cool…

I was skeptical of telling everyone at first. Most people know now; it's not a secret, but I don't wear it on a billboard. I'm not ashamed to say I'm sober, but I try to allow my actions & changed behavior speak louder than my words. Attraction rather than promotion.


I like that answer!

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I told people that I care about.

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I let my actions speak for me. It did take a while for my family to accept it, but by then I was going to AA meetings regularly so was focused on my sobriety not them.

When I first got into recovery they told me people places and things had to be changed. So that’s what I did. I think that’s why I’ve been sober so long. All my friends are in recovery pretty much. My family knows that I’m a recovering alcoholic but they haven’t said anything about it to me.And that’s OK with me. Life goes on one day at a time