Have failed doing it on my own. Hard to admit

Have failed doing it on my own. Hoping finding a community will help. Hard to admit my drinking is problematic but it is keeping me from the life I want. I always drink more than I want and wake up with regret and shame.


Smartrecovery.org check it out

It took me a long time to realize that I did not could not do it alone, and took even more time stop seeing that as a failing...that I should be able to do it myself. Today, I realize that being able to walk this journey with so many others is an absolute blessing.


Keep quitting, you will get better at it.


My community is NA. Anywhere I go in the world there's support, meetings and friends. NA="Never Again" or "Never Alone."

I have 3 years, 6 months and 7 days today.

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Hey John, nice to meet a fellow NA member. Hope you’re well.

Jen, I lost a wonderful woman to the disease ,its a fight for your life,the steps are only a path a direction, a sponcer is only a spiritual advisor, you are the prize, use the tools as if they were a parachute and your falling, your tools, your life

I failed more than once on my own, thes I took a hold of gods hand and WOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT HAS MADE​:grinning::pray:

You can do it

Im too familiar with that shame spiral that typically follows a day/night of using. It fu*ks me up for usually about a week. You’re not alone in that kind of experience.

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Me too!

You just took the first step to recovery. Have you been to any meetings?

Hi jen ,your not alone there are a mass of us out here

Girl I’m right there with you. I’m a bout 10 days in and had to say ok crap I apparently have a problem with alcohol and for YEARS I’ve been determined to prove to myself that I can manage it however like you I end up drinking to munch and wake up with full blown anxiety, regret and shame. We don’t want to lose our careers- sure you and I both worked hard to get them. (Saw your accusation) . We aren’t living the life we want for ourselves so time to jump into a community with peeps that can relate. I’m doing this differently and connecting! You got this!

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Thanks, JD! A lot of what you said resonates with me. Time to accept that I can’t drink moderately and it is keeping me from what I know I really want.

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Alcoholism is a disease. I woke up every morning with regret shame embarrassment yet continued my cycle until I hit my personal rock bottom. The next day I removed EVERY bit of alcohol from my home (no hidden “just in case” bottles) and I went to my first AA meeting. I am 98 days sober today and have no desire to drink

Jen and it does take a lot to say I can't do it on your. Own

To admit you have a problem is the first step. It's hard-but until that step is completed you won't be able to get clean/sober.

I tried it countless times and failed. The best thing I ever did was rehab. Gave my separation from booze, 1 year sober and couldn’t be happier

There are answers love. Real people with real needs. Just be careful what you wish for, ( as a friend said as she entered into a relationship in AA) you might get it..