Have been dating a man for 4 years now

You got to quit doing this. Take it from a long time addict your enabling him. Im sorry you have to go through this.

I agree with Aaron. Al Anon would likely be helpful.

SLAA, Al-Anon, & other codependency resources may help

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Al-Anon would be a good start but I don't really think that you should be taking him back until he can make some serious changes in life and build some serious sobriety time. He needs to understand that you are very serious about this. And I think it would be very wise to be serious about this and expect nothing less than Total Recovery.

His struggles with addiction will rub off on your life sooner or later if they haven't already. This really needs to be behind him before you guys pursue your relationship any further otherwise you're just asking for trouble.
I'm an alcoholic. I've been in alcoholic relationships and I can definitely speak from experience.

My views.