Have a strong urge to go the liquor store t

Have a strong urge to go the liquor store today. Just for a little. It’s been a few months now. Things are going okay but still feel like I’m missing some excitement in life. Mind is confused. Need some friendly advice

Lol u suck at this


You’re an idiot.

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Thanks tho

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I don't know about y'all, but my disease will tell me ANY reason is a good enough reason to have just one... But the thing I know is that that one is too many & a thousand won't ever be enough - I'm an alcoholic!!! Excitement to me means blue lights, fights, and stupid decisions. Early sobriety was wierd because I didn't know how to handle PEACE. Today things are different; I'll take a night on the couch by myself over any of that 'excitement' ...


I understand the urge. I often balance the urge with the disappointment I’d feel otherwise. Getting the drink isn’t worth it because I know I’ll be mad at myself. You’ve got this, bud!

It’s unfortunate that you decided to sign on to a platform like this to spew negativity. It’s awesome that you’ve been able to maintain your sobriety but sad that whatever insecurities you’re dealing with cause you to lash out at other people. I hope you are able to break down your wall some day and find peace and meaningful relationships.

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Hey Daniel are you actively participating in any kind of recovery based meetings or groups besides this site? This site is great don't get me wrong but I'm wondering if you're just trying not to drink on your own will power. There is strength in numbers and community. Find a way to surround yourself with people that are actively pursuing recovery. We can't do it on our own. If you can't find a meeting in your area meeting in person download the Zoom app it's free. You can get the meeting id numbers off the aa-intergroup website or google online aa meetings.
Having structure(positive and productive activities/hobbies) to occupy our time and sober people/community to Greatly increase your chances at staying sober. Good luck man dm me if you ever need to chat. You have the right idea by reaching out.

wow! Cmon lets show this fellow the grace we were so lovingly showed. None of us came to the rooms of AA on wings of glory! We are our own worse enemies ALWAYS! the big book talks about the " incomprehensible demoralization of our disease. lets lift each other up rather than use our words to condemn one another. what is the responsibility statement of AA? " I am responsible when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA to ALWAYS be there. For that I am responsible"

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Still sober, Daniel?

Hey ace, just remember tough love doesn't work on everyone. Some it actually triggers.

Hey Daniel did you make it through the urge sober or do we celebrate day one today?

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Allow me to put this another way. I am saying this as an Ambassador for the app. Keep it civil. The alternative is being blocked by the admins.

Hit a meeting, reach out. I've been there too man. Stay strong you got this

Me too