Has anyone tried mock-tails?

Has anyone tried mock-tails?

Yep. Tend to work well for me. I’ll usually have cranberry juice and replace the alcohol with sprite. Refreshing little mocktail spritzer!

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I was warned to steer clear of non-alcoholic beers, as they do actually have very small amounts of alcohol. Personally, I will pick up a craft soda. But my first few years I just stayed away from the whole scene. Easier to avoid temptation.

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I enjoy mocktail and AF beers when I am out or around drinkers… it helps me to feel less awkward. Are you looking for options at home or when your out?

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The alcohol content of these brews is so minimal, it’s actually less then the natural alcohol found in bananas!

It’s impossible to get intoxicated on AF beer. You couldn’t possibly drink enough fast enough…. The small amount is processed immediately and doesn’t raise blood alcohol levels!


My mocktail of choice is an iced coffee. It’s the HEB San Antonio blend for any Texans out there. It has this mild chocolate flavor to it that I just love.

I don’t want to do any alcohol substitutes. I don’t even drink kombucha. It’s not that I think there’s anything wrong with them, or people who enjoy them. I just need a full, clean break.

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Some alcoholics are vary allergic, just a trace amount can trigger a craving, one gentleman shared that after shave with a small amount of alcohol triggered him to have cravings

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While I believe you, it was just the warning I received based on our allergic reaction to alcohol.
And I fully agree with your concept of a clean break.

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Yes. I love virgin piña coladas and bloody marys. My husband and I experiment to try different combinations of juice, soda, sparkling water, tea, and lemonade.

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My favorite is simple. Half seltzer half lemonade. I can change it up with fruit syrups.


When jm out . Lol

But quite frankly going to stay home and to the gym :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: since its finally open that was my escape

I have no problem with a non alcoholic beer. They make an IPA that tastes really good and no drunk. It works for me. I’m looking into some more of this. I’ve tried Seedlip. It’s just arite.

Those are good. I combine Milo's lemonade with Bubly's mango or peach seltzer. It's absolutely delicious. :yum:

Never heard of it what is????

I don't do the mocktail thing, but a sober friend explained to me why they were not a good idea for her: it was like tiptoeing on the edge; it still mimicked the behavior she was trying to break. Made sense to me and thought it was worth sharing with y'all.

I will say that for me, ANY amount of alcohol is enough to trigger that craving for MORE. I figured that out on accident at a work lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings when I tried a doing sauce with the appetizer. I remember telling my colleagues I'd drink it out of the bottle... When I asked the waitress about buying a bottle she said, "Our BOURBON honey mustard? Yeah you can buy some at the front." :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: LESSON LEARNED :joy::joy::joy:

If alcohol simulation or substitution is the basis of a beverage I’m not interested. If flavors are mixed together and are delicious and also alcohol free I’m down to enjoy. The intention/motivation behind why or why not is the deciding factor for me to drink something new. That said... I enjoy seltzer with juice.