Has anyone helped you 🀝?

Has anyone supported you while choosing to get sober or throughout your sobriety?

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This is an excellent question.

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Yes, and no.
My husband wanted me to quit, and has stuck with me through the abuse of me intoxicated, but when I ask him to get me a bottle, he always complies. The times he doesn’t, it’s usually a regretful night and I end up getting it on my own. For the past 3 days I have been secretly sober. I realized, I AM my own worst enemy. Currently having night sweat and shivers. I hope this platform works for all of us.... what a great question!


Thank you for sharing that Karen. I hope you are able to stick with getting sober. You can do it! And if you ever need someone to talk to DM me and I am here for you :yellow_heart:.

Not really, been lotta people cut me down. I wish.

My mom :heart:

This is what meetings are for :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Most of us don’t have supportive families or people in our lives. Even if they want to support us they don’t really know how.

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So important to know people who do know how.

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Very true :+1:

Karen, my husband is like yours. I am so very lonely.

I have been trying my best to find communities to a) find other sober individuals to connect with and b) hold myself accountable.

I have no desire for AA as it's not really my thing and have instead been looking for a community to help online.

It is difficult finding the right fit. I think finding some sober friends would be a huge help! I just need to be patient I guess!