Has anyone else had success using the ‘easy way’ method?

Has anyone else had success using the ‘easy way’ method? It’s the book by Allen Carr. It makes being sober a wonderful gift that you realize and not a struggle when you understand what it is alcohol is and what it does to us. Check it out on Amazon. “Easy way to control alcohol” Read the reviews. Millions with years of sobriety. It flips drinking on its head and un-habits you. For me it’s been true freedom as you lose the desire to drink all together. No struggling with deprivation because you simply don’t desire it. It’s the best book I’ve read on stopping drinking. It works!

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There is no easy way out. It is not easy but it can be done. It will be done if you get help from friends network meetings and rehab.

My philosophy is that if it works then it works and don’t mess with it. Glad you found something that works for you!

But no I haven’t read that book

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Depends on the person I think. But read the book, his approach is opposite of will power. I think it’s a great tool in addition to AA and any other resources.

Thx. Yeah. I agree. I liked the book because it changes how you think about alcohol. I first heard about it from the comedian Nikki Glaser on Joe Rogan. Here’s the link. She talks about the book as well. She’s 10 years sober now.

I think I'm going to have to read this.

Definitely check it out! We should read as much as possible I think. I also do group therapy still for social aspect but I have no desire to drink. It’s just nice being around other sober peeps.

Mega ditto on that statement.