Has anyone been able to detox at home

Has anyone been able to detox at home without having to be admitted to the ER or a Facility? I have a tiny kiddo and very little supervision support for her, esp for overnights... so there's no options for me to clean up unless I can do it at home. Otherwise, i would've surrendered myself to an ER or. detox center DAYS ago. TIA!

Hi, Kate. Some have- but it's totally not safe. My heart breaks that it's difficult for you to detox while caring for your daughter. Do you have a friend you can trust to take care of your daughter?

Alcohol detox can kill you so you need a detox facility. For most other drugs even Marijuana it can be helpful. Heroin and Alcohol are MUST go to detox center. Benzos as well.

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I tried doing it that way I can tell you it’s not safe. Try to contact some family maybe. Then go get some help from a doctor at the very least. Treatment is probably be your best option. :crossed_fingers:

Thanks guys. Im gonna have to fess up and face the music..i dunno whats harder trying this on my own, or fessing uo to my hubs. Id rather be in labor again than do this. :pensive:


I hope you succeeded in coming clean. I'm sure he loves you and will be happy you are going to try to get better.

That is wonderful you have the strength to ask for help and yes you might need it because it is so dangerous- kinda of a catch 22 when you are already quitting something that will kill you. I had to call 911 to break into my apartment bc I was too weak to let them in and then had a seizure right after they arrived so be smart. God bless :pray:!

It can be done but it's dangerous. Professional help is always the best course with alcohol and benzo detox. Wishing you the best.

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Yep did it everytime I caught my ship. lots of water. if your talking about alcohol that is.

I tried to detox from alcohol at home and had to call EMS. It was real bad. Its too dangerous to do it by yourself.

Only for 4 days then i relapse…Im goin to inpatient on the 6th if next month..its hard for me to detox at home because all the triggers are around me

You can do it