Hard day relapsed week ago from 7 years

Hard day relapsed week ago from 7 years

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Oh no. I'm sorry. :cry: What happened?

Bs my daughter daddy and brother called n 3 dss reports bs on me cuz they didn't like who I was with and probably going through miscarriage now


Barbara and asheville NC


Bobby that’s a scammer of some sort. I reported it.

I’m really sorry you’re having such a tough time. There are many many good people here who have been through relapses and gotten back on track. You didn’t just forget everything you learned in 7 years of sobriety. You can do it. You’re not alone.

Barbara, are you okay? How far along are you? Resentful and grudge filled people are the worst. (((Hugs)))

Boutb2 mths and no not really I have two wonderful kids but been through 3 since I was 18


Are you cramping? Spotting? I've had miscarriages too. :disappointed_relieved: You need to try to relax and get that other stuff going on out of your head for a bit. Ik it's hard but do it for your baby. Those people are not worth your time and I'm sure you can let the state know it was a revengeful act on their part. You need to rest though now, most importantly.

I've been bleeding bad for days I went to local er and literally the done an urine pregnancy test said congratulations ur pregnant go home call ur Dr after my mom called an ambulance

With my other 3 I never bleed or cramp and I'm. Trying to but when they took my child out of my home and n an emotional abuse relationship it's hard to

I hope you get some answers soon from a doctor. I have had the state in my life before regarding my kids. I know you are going through a lot right now and I know the pain of both situations. Hang in there tight and try just to get through the day. I'm glad you have your mother there. (((Hugs)))

I was also in a abusive relationship. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Still trying to figure out how I chat. New.

You need to be “friends” in order to dm

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I have Dr appt n am

That is good to hear Barbara. I hope everything goes well. :heart:

Not to food at dr

I'm real sorry to hear that. You try to hang in there and take care of yourself. :heart: