Happy Memorial Day! ❤️

Happy Memorial Day!! :heart: I hope everyone has a happy safe and sober holiday! 28 days :raised_hands:


Nice work! I’m sure your body is thanking you!

You too! 14 days. :slightly_smiling_face:

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happy memorial day 5 months 7 days :muscle::raised_hands:

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Awesome Work & Victory on your Sobriety!
My prayers are with you (& all on their New Life Style & Mindset!)
Happy Memorial Day!
God Bless :pray::heart::us:

Yes it is!! Thank you :heart::heart:

Awesome work Sean! Congrats on your sobriety!

Keep up the good work girl!! :two_hearts:

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Happy Memorial Day.

Congrats on Day 28.

4 weeks!! Nice work

28 days, congrats ! :muscle:t2: Heading back to work tomorrow will be no sweat!

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I hope everyone had a great holiday.
