Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day guys. I know sobriety is something we have to do for ourselves, but damn if the #1 benefit for me hasn’t been the improved relationship with my kids. And my dad come to think of it.

Much love fellas. Keep up the good work.


My ex wife wished me a happy Father’s Day. I believed for years that we would never speak again without lawyers. The resentment and hatred we seemed to feel for each other was the only future I could see.

A little over a year later, the progress, and restoration of our relationship is miraculous.

None of this would be possible without sobriety and for me, the 12 steps. She was the focus of my 4th step. She was my first amend.

We coexist and coparent to the extreme benefit of our kids. I am grateful.

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Good work Craig. Doing it for yourself yet benefitting your children. Happy Father’s Day brother!