Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s out there. May

Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s out there. May you have a blessed day. This day is pretty bitter for me. 2nd to last girlfriend I had I was going to marry. She was carrying my baby. I knew we weren’t ready. We were smoking crack and not stable in any situation. We broke up in a whirlwind of emotion she left I got clean. I havnt spoke to her since. I do not know if she had the baby or if she lost it or had an abortion. Regardless, it’s a shitty position to be in. If there is a little piece of me running around out there. I hope he/she is happy and healthy. And knows that his/her father wishes things could have been different. And also that God has a plan. A plan that we may not like. A plan that we may not agree with, or think is best. But I have faith in it. This plan that he/she has for each of us, and I accept it. Prayers to all the unborn babies. Prayers to my babies fur, and human alike. I am truly heartbroken today. Thankful to acknowledge that and the ability to feel it. :pray::pray::pray:

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