Had the big conversation .... he admits to having a

Had the big conversation .... you know what im talking about .
He admits to having an addiction to alcohol and says he will try his best . I told him to do it for his kids and that i would be there every step of the way ..
He has been 2 days sober now & got in touch with his old therapist . I just hope this isnt just some front and that he will actually try to .


I hope so to for you and your children. Stay strong

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That’s step2 , he should be grateful that he has your support just don’t push him hard but he has to be honest with himself and reach for the higher power, I am proud of you that you handle it the right way. Good luck to both of you

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A therapist is a great start, especially one he has history with so probably feels some familiarity with. Is there anything you can do or keep yourself busy and engaged with while he enters this process so that you don’t have to carry the weight of obsessing about it? I only ask because I’ve dated an addict in recovery too ... and it’s very easy to make our whole life about them.

I wouldnt say im obsessed.
Ive been my regular self . Home mom , i go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week ..
I just ask him once in awhile how hes feeling . What is on his mind ..
Is tht wrong ?

Not wrong at all. I didn’t mean to imply that you were being obsessive. Only sharing that when I was in a similar situation, it was something I struggled with intensely. It seems you have a healthy life outside of him that keeps you happy and busy. I admire you for caring for yourself, while still making sure to check in on him. That takes strength of character

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