Had 7 drinks yesterday on a friggin Tuesday. Something is

Had 7 drinks yesterday on a friggin Tuesday. Something is wrong with me. I am high functioning. Problem drinking or alcoholism? Either way I need a good sober streak. Maybe a permanent one because I have dreams that would not go so well if I am having these binges. I fluctuate from drinking 1-3 days a week but there is always one day that I drink far too much.


You should definitely find a sober living and get involved with a sober community this is a good way to start but definitely find a sponsor or just someone who you can be real with. 7 drinks is just the beginning trust me it may most certainly get worse to where’s you’re life can permanently change. I’m in a partial hospitalization in-patient program right now and a woman is there for manslaughter because she can’t remember driving home from a bar!!!-Her life is permanently over dude. She’s only like 20! Just so you understand how serious this disease is. It’ll never happen to me is what everyone thinks and poof years go by with us self medicating or just having fun and we get so lost. Idk consider everything you have in life. Love yourself enough to want more for yourself than the rest.