Group or Counseling - Where’s the $$ tree?

Last Friday, I decided I was done drinking. In the last week, I have stayed sober, battled some bad detoxing side effects, found a pcp, and researched support options. I am struggling to determine the $$ to spend on recovery (yes...I understand that my life/health should mean everything, but $$ is a stress point.) I have been quoted 2k after insurance on a six week, three times a week group sessions. Or I would be to do weekly therapy at $60 a visit. I just don’t know what (or how) to make it all happen.

VoA or odyssey can you get on TAM

I am so sorry. I am unsure what this means.

AA has helped millions and millions of people get and stay sober. It exists based upon member contribution only. Couple dollars a meeting if you have it. Buying a few books.

I paid $90/50 minute session with my counselor for quite a while. Definitely longer than I needed to.

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Same as Craig, AA is a proven, effective method for resolving underlying issues while helping you stay sober. Yet it only works if you do the work. Quite easy actually. Especially considering all of the time, effort & other resources we've all put into not being sober.

I spent over a decade and countless dollars attempting other treatment methods. When I was finally broken enough to humbly walk into a meeting and say, "I know nothing, what do I do?" my recovery began.

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25 years I avoided aa and repeatedly decided I could do it another way. I told myself I didn’t need some bullshit god cult.

AA is what you try last. Last resort? For some. Last because it works for those of us capable of rigorous honesty.

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There are programs that will help you with assistance. Try and see if there is county funding or a case worker in rehab should ve able to help you out.

The difficulty I am finding in my small town is that there are two meetings a day: 10 am (during work) and 6:30 pm (no childcare). I would love to attend donation based meetings.

Since I have private insurance, I have been told I do not qualify for assistance according to facility. They did make a good point as I spend around $125 a week on alcohol, but that is only $750. Good idea because I should just research on my own to see if I can find something.

Bring your kids. I’ve been bringing mine once a week for a year Mine are 8 and 10 Old enough to know what a shit show I was when I drank, so they don’t mind hanging out while I work on sobriety.


If you can do group, do group. If those are the 2 choices you’re giving yourself, I think group would offer more, as you’ll get to see how similar your story is to the others. It could simulate an aa experience.


My daughter is 2 years old, and I think it would just stress me out. She does not sit still for more than 5 minutes which I love, but it’s a lot. I love that your children go with you to be your support system. They will remember it if they are faced with a challenge on how you overcame it.

That is difficult. I was in a very rural place for a year that only had 730pm meetings most days within 45 miles. It became more of a fellowship and the AA'ers became friends. If you're able to make one, chat with the ladies about the difficulty of childcare. They may be taking turns watching each others kids to help everyone make meetings through the week. Especially in the rural areas I've been, the AA folk are a tight-knit group that help each other in the old-school spirit of AA. I hope you're able o traverse your challenges and develop a steady program to aid you in your soberiety. Your commitment and effort is awesome! Great work!

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Online Women's meeting directory as an option:

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I still think u should be able to find something. There’s tons of different help out there. I have private insurance also. They would not cover my vivitrol shot ($1200) a month. I was able to get medical assistance for that.

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I agree with Craig. I’ve taken my kids to meetings.

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You can do it. You’ve already made the first step. It gets better. Stay strong, be pro-active in your recovery

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Thank you SO much for the link! This is PERFECT because I have a flexible lunch hour so I can sit at my desk, go to the meeting, and not deal with the stress of getting there. Thank you SO much Jason.

My pleasure and we're all here to help the best we can. You've already got the motivation, dedication and willingness to ask for help, which is Amazing! Most of us know many in recovery for years that haven't achieved that. Just keep doing what you're doing and never allow complacency to detract you from the path you're on now. Drinking and using is simply something we can't go back to, as it only gets worse each time, progression. Blow up these boards anytime & start reaching out to folks in the online meetings. My highest hopes to you in living a beautiful sober life that just keeps getting more amazing the further you get from those dark days. Blessings dear & keep on overcoming!

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I went to Betty Ford it was incredibly expensive but so was my addiction. I had a team helping me and it meant everything. I had a counselor, a psychiatrist, psychologist, several addiction technicians, a wellness specialist, a team of nurses and amazing peers. I feel every penny was super well spent I’ve never felt better in my life I’ve been hanging onto shit since I was three years old I’m 53 today and I wish I had done this and made the investment years ago. All the best with whatever you decide. When you’re sober money comes so much easier!!

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