Great to be sober!

Great to be sober! I'm reminded of my previous sobriety date of December 11th 2002. I went for almost 9 years until that dreadful day where I picked up again.

Oh it felt great at first. I felt like I was in Heaven. After a while, the perils of alcoholism started showing their ugly faces and it wasn't fun anymore. I just wanted to get through one day without drinking but I struggled. I remember that I kept asking myself, how did you get yourself into this mess? You had almost 9 years and you blew it!
What happened?

Fast forward July 6th 2014. I checked in, got help and started going to meetings all over again. After a while I had finally come to the conclusion that what had happened to me was I believed the lie; that this time it will be okay. But is wasn't.

This is why I'm always telling everyone that when you are thinking of picking up a drink or drug, play the scene all the way forward. Because you're going to end up right back at the beginning every time or maybe worse. And then we have more guilt and shame to carry around with us.

I have learned through the years that it's easier to stay sober than to get sober. I did it one day at a time through my higher power which I call God, going to AA meetings, taking the 12 steps of AA and picking up the phone and talking with people like you.


Happy birthday Dave!!


That's awesome. " The wisdom to know the difference."


Happy birthday, and thanks for sharing your story.


Happy birthday! Thanks for sharing your story, super inspiring !!


Dave! Woohoo! Thank you for sharing your story! It’s very true and spot on with my story. I had 3 years of sobriety with no program and I told myself I could drink again. Then I got into meth. Quit still drank no program and relapsed on meth again THINKING I can do it better then before cause I know how to do it this time. Ha wrong. Yes, our disease progressively gets worse with each day we drink/use or don’t drink/use.
What I mean is we work a program and change our ways we live peaceful lives. Our disease is still there, and as soon as we pick up it comes back full force and then some.
Congrats on 7 years!


So true! Glad you're ok.

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Happy birthday!

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Thanks everyone!

Glad I inspired someone. Thankyou

Thank you :pray:

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Glad I inspired you. Thankyou Nicole

Congratulations on finding your way again! :heartpulse:

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Happy Anniversary Dave! I have a very similar story.

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This is awesome. :tada:

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I'd love to hear it

OK. The super simple version is that years ago I had seven years clean and sober. I relapsed in 2013 and then got clean again in 2017. That's all.

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We do have similar stories don't we?

Most important

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I always have believed that if I started drinking again, that I would never stop. And my children would have to bury their drunk mother. So I keep relapse out of my personal vocabulary. Like I said, there won't be any coming back for me. I know myself. So I must live the 12 steps every day, to the best of my ability.