Grateful today that I fought off another craving!

Last night my sister came in to town and we went to get some ramen. Sake was always one of my favorites.

Instead I had green tea and felt so happy with my decision! Day 10!


Grew example of self-control. Keep it up.

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Ramen is my co-favorite. Sushi, now....
-And congrats on the win.

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Thanks yall!


I love :sushi:. Ramen is pretty good, too. Spicy ramen is my favorite.

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I had spicy tonkotsu. So good!

Sushi is absolutely one of my favs

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My husband loves it. I have not tried it because I don't eat pork. After hearing your testimony and my husband talking about how good it is I may try a spoonful. That's it.

I love crab meat in my sushi. What about you? I didn't try sushi for years because I thought it was all raw.

Just had it this weekend. Seafood ramen in shoyu broth.

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That sounds delicious. I love seafood. I think I might make some this weekend.

I love good tonkasu Ramen. For those who don't eat pork miso Ramen and Kim chi Ramen should be pork free. I also like a good Han dashi broth for ramen.

Awesome girl keep up the good work!!!
