Grateful that I woke up sober today, but for s

Grateful that I woke up sober today, but for some reason feeling depressed and sad, and I don’t want this to cause me to drink later on. I’m trying to pinpoint exactly why I’m feeling this way. And all I can come up with, is the thought of going back to work to tomorrow after 10 days off, and not celebrating Father’s Day this evening with my husband because I don’t want to go to a brewery and watch everyone drinking. So, the feeling isolated part is tough. Just trying to sit with the feelings and cry it out over my coffee

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Jennifer you’re doing the right thing by reaching out. Sometimes we never find out why we feel depressed or sad. I know it gets that way with me sometimes and when I can’t figure it out I just let it go. It goes away after a while. I know it’s hard not to think about it knowing that it’s there. But don’t sit there and not do anything. Get up and do things it helps get it off your mind. Drinking is not the solution the solution is staying sober for today. If you can’t do it one day at a time do it one hour at a time.
Here’s a little prayer you can say to yourself when you need to.

God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference amen.

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Thank you. I did get up and got dressed .. well semi, since no plans to do anything today.. watched church online .. balled my eyes out.. ate some breakfast but my nausea is still really bad. And still feel a bit off. But I’m sure this last bender really pulled a number on me so it’ll take a few more days. I haven’t left the house since I got home last Wednesday. The heat is terrible 113 right now… so I don’t think being stuck inside is helpful either. When my husband leaves to the brewery I’m going to try to exercise during that time for distraction. Thank you for your support. I don’t plan on picking up today.

I am so glad to hear that you are not thinking about picking up today. If you do have that urge pick up your phone and talk to somebody.

I don’t have people around me who are sober and know I struggle. But I’ll do my best reach out on here. I’m having the urge to have a beer when everyone leaves for the brewery tonight. I don’t want to but the thoughts are there :pensive:

Wow I feel the same way. I didn’t drink for a week and I was crying uncontrollably. And just trying to figure out why ?

Plus my friends are not sober. They don’t pressure me, but just being around it makes me want it.

If you haven’t had those thoughts all day why start now. Just because they’re leaving to go to the brewery. You’re going to be home alone why drink you should be happy. The drinkers aren’t going to be around you there’s gonna be around your husband. But I understand a thoughts. Just remember you’re only thoughts we don’t react on Thoughts. Just continue talking to people.. That’s what we are here for. We don’t have to drink for today. And today only. That’s all we need to focus on is today.

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And I understand you don’t have people around you that are sober. And I know that you struggle so do I. I have to keep the focus on me and nobody else. Remember that focus on yourself. Don’t focus on what they Are going to do. Focus on you

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I know that feeling all to well. Nearly my entire family drinks. More so my husbands side, but I don’t have a very strong relationship with my own parents or brother. And a few of my friends occasionally drink and when I’m around then it’s so easy to refrain or moderate. But those hangouts are slim to none as everyone has their own life. The main people in my life drink and drink a lot, including my spouse.

And I almost caved right now and changed to get ready to go… but I’m fighting it. I’m going to stay home as much as I also want to go. I don’t want to wake up with regret or prolong my body’s detox. I think the feeling of having to exclude myself and still going through a lot of intense emotions is what’s going on. Plus the nerves of having to return to work tomorrow. I can’t just lay down or I overthink but I also don’t have much to do so been pacing around. Just waiting for the family to leave and I’ll try to workout then take a bath and listen to a Christian meditation.

Totally off topic but the thought the idea of knowing I have to return to work on July 1st was causing the increase in my consumption over the last month, and maybe that’s part of it. But, the more I think about it, returning to the office may be better for me as I didn’t drink nearly this amount prior to the pandemic. I know working from home I can just clock in and go back to bed for a few hours if I needed to. I can’t do that if I have to physically go in and my ass has to be up at 5:30 am.

Just remember it’s a craving is what you’re dealing with. I’m glad that you’re fighting to stay home. What is the reason that you really want to go ask yourself that. And then think about this. Is it the drinking that you’re going to miss or is it the fun that you’re going to miss out on. But you’re still making the right decision by staying home. Not drinking it’s not gonna kill you. Drinking will kill you

Yes I think returning to work might help you more because you won’t be able to pick up a drink. And you probably will be a lot busier at work then you are at home. Because we tend to be lazy and do whatever we want When we are home

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I can't remember if I mentioned the Zoom meeting called After Hours to you or not. It's starts at 7 your time. It would take your mind off the cravings!

I think you did, and funny thing, is I was looking at someone else’s post just now where I saw you mention it to them. I’m going to see how working out does for me and if I’m still struggling I’ll consider tuning in. Thanks :pray:

Thank you for sharing that with us

How are you holding up?

Believe it or not you reaching out in here and that's willingness to want get better ur awesome ur doing the best u can ...we are good at beating ourselves day at time present moment u got this

I attended a women’s after hours meeting… I’m not too sure tbh how I feel about it, it’s my first one in years trying it out Again. I’ll try one again tomorrow. I joined because although I worked out and I felt ok, the thoughts just wouldn’t stop and so I had A beer, stopped from anymore and joined in for more of distraction I suppose. Just glad it’s now time to call it a night and urges are gone but that could be because I quoted the noise with caving to that single beer. I’m not counting it a loss, I certainly could have drank the rest of them but I didn’t want to. Just glad I’ll wake up sober tomorrow with a fresh start and distraction of work.