Grateful Day. I just Made that up. It's me just

Grateful Day. I just Made that up. It's me just being Grateful. I am 3 years sober 1 week ago. And I'm just so Grateful I have came this far. For those who are struggling to even have a day. Please Know it is possible and if u want to talk, I am here. :innocent:


Beautiful message, Carlos. Iā€™m grateful today too, thanks for the reminder :relaxed:

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I'm grateful for today. I'm grateful I was able to wash dishes while standing today. The last 6 weeks I had to sit because of a sprained knee.

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@Allie81648 Wow. I'm Glad my Post Touched you. Yeah sometimes days are still tough for us who have been sober. I saw on your Profile you are ALSO 3 years sober. Congratulations. A reminder is vital to me because there are times my mind slips and gets lost of where I USED to be and those 8 years were Hell. Never Going back. Looking to make friends with other sober ppl. Mind if I add you as a friend?

@amandaloosidsupport440833 I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad to hear that you are making Progress. Praying for a Fast Recovery for you. :pray:t2:

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Thank you. Prayer is my favorite gift. :blush:

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Amen! Prayer Is A Privilege. Best Gift Ever.

G.O.D. is Good ALL the Time :handshake:šŸ»