Got some time in the program

Got some time in the program really don’t want to use or drink. Just stressed out with new job back hurts not sleeping good. Went back on my prescription meds that I had saved. Not going to use or drink over it but would be nice to smoke some weed and get a good nights sleep.

Hi Steve!! Don’t beat yourself up for following drs orders!! You got this.

I don’t smoke weed because I hate it. Not because I think other people shouldn’t. You do you. Sobriety is an individual journey, and certainly isn’t a straight path. Pray on it and let hp lead you in the right direction.

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Back pains and lack of sleep are definitely signs of stress. Have you spoken with your manager about your stress? Do you try to get a nap when you come home from work? How do you try to unwind?

Might need to tweak the meds (cocktail type thing). That has worked for me over the years.
Not against pot if it works for you.


I go right to bed when I get home I work swing shift.