Good to see so many on here! I havent been

Good to see so many on here! I havent been on in a while but coming up on my year. These past 12 months have changed my view on everything in my life! Hope everyone is doing well :grin: ODAAT!


Congratulations on your year. I can remember back when I get into recovery. And I started getting sober and clean and was able to think for myself. That was a big change for me. And I’m grateful today that I’m able to still do that. I have so much gratitude for everything in life today. Because of people like us. I wouldn’t be able to do it without those people Like us. So keep up the good work and I hope you have many more years ahead of you.


Thanks Kelly, its a life changing experience!

Nice to see you back around Eric. Congratulations on the year. Don’t be a stranger.

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Thanks Craig!

Congratulations Eric!

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Thank you ma'am

Congrats!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!

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Thank you!!

Congratulations on your first year. That first year is a real doozy I'll tell you.

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Thank you. It sure is! Glad its past lol