Good morning! 🌞 ok so far doing good 10 days

Good morning!! :sun_with_face: ok so far doing good 10 days.....I have three trips I’m going on in two weeks! Doing this with not drinking going to be a challenge especially a canoe/cabin/float river trip with friends! They will be drinking (they don’t have problem like me) but I will go in this challenge doing my best to dig two feet in so deep and resist! I got this! :grimacing: :call_me_hand:Hope you all have a sober day today and something brings a smile to each of your faces.


Congrats on 10 days.

You got this. Bring lots of coffee, tea, juice, water, and soda. Have a list of at least 3 people you can reach out to if you’re struggling.

Have fun on your trips!


Not Advisable so soon in your sobriety.
Hopefully your friends are surportive

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Sorry sent to soon!!
Hopefully your friends are good with your sobriety and are there for you. If you start to feel uncomfortable have someone in the group your comfortable with that you can share your feelings with. Talk to your Sponsor. Is your Sponsor ok with you going? Have a phone list and use it!! Use what you’ve learned. Read and write in your journal!!
Best of Luck!!
I’ll pray for you!!:pray::pray:

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Great job on 10 days! Maybe you can ask someone to be your sober buddy for ine day of the float trip? I know for me, I was way too shaky in that kind of environment without one sober person around. That being said, if you feel strong and full of conviction to not drink, then go with it, girl! Have fun and be safe!

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Hope you have a sober friend with you, your putting yourself in a dangerous spot, try and ride out the moment or walk away for a few moments till the feeling passes. Fingers crossed next time we will see 24 days! You can do it.

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I too was like “oh I need to cancel this” due to fear of being anxious of being around others without the comfort of liquor. I even went to length of telling them it’s okay if they don’t want to go. I booked this trip for us prior to me making the decision to stay sober. Hell I was looking forward to drinking it up with friends canoeing then another binge happened and I said enough. However - trip is already paid for and I don’t want to stop living just because I’m sober. I’ve isolated myself before and that’s not good for me. My husband is going with me and he’s not drinking . The other couple not big drinker and it’s just another girl friend going - they don’t know the severity and darkness of my drinking however they are aware of my struggle. I’ll reach out and yes pray for strength for me! I still will connect with zoom meetings while on trips to keep me grounded.

Well not strong but determined not to let my sobriety stop me from living life. If I did that then I would be bored here life snd drink. My husband is my sober buddy! :rofl: hes fine with not drinking so good to have someone else no drinker

I know I realize this, trip was already paid and planned prior to my journey of sobriety. Not big group - another couple staying in different cabin and my husband and I with a girl friend in another cabin. Plenty of space for me to breathe and walk! Husband not drinking and other couple not big drinkers. I’m actually the one who brings the beer and parties it up! Biggest thing for me is not to be people pleaser and feel like I have to entertain everyone. Keep my calm and learn to just be the authentic me around people. I’m still learning how to be around people without a drink to calm my nerves. Didn’t realize I have anxiety around people when I’m truly a social person. I’m staying connected to zoom meetings . I’m nervous looking at it as a challenge to face fear of being me sober around people.

I totally get that! Sounds like a tame group and having your husband sober with you is awesome! You'll have a great time!

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If people can’t understand they are not your friends I have no friends from my drinking days and I don’t put myself in dangerous situations today I’m 2008 days sober

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Lord my spelling was terrible last message :rofl:

Keep going! Make a note of what you did on the good days. This will help if you have a bad one. Keep doing what you do and your dreams become reality!

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You can do it. It is always a challenge to do something sober we used to do intoxicated, but if you go one moment at a time you got it.

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Actually may be great idea to get a journal! Thanks!


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Thanks for this!!! Hope to have your positive attitude on day 10!

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Hey girl! Oh my yes we sound alike! I’m a binge drinker and same here I’m always the one throwing the get togethers, planning trips, bringing the booze etc. but like you the binge drinking was affecting my career, relationship and life so I to am cutting it out completely (which not easy!!) so I don’t lose everything worked hard for. Yes let’s stay in touch and connected! Not sure either if private message but I’ll test it out! Congratulations on day two!!

Your welcome! You’ve got this!!

You Got This!!!
Awesome if your husband is not drinking to support you. That is Awesome!! I never got that. Best of luck. Have fun!! Use Sun Screen. That was the Dad in me. Sorry :joy::joy::joy::heart::sheep: