Good Morning! Happy to be here

Good Morning!! I’m grateful for another day of waking up. I love AA. I love the 12 steps. I’m not religious but I find a way to make them work for me.

I’m grateful for my Friday night meetings. Book study reading Living Sober, which is such an informative and relevant book!!

I’m grateful for the fellowship afterwards. Our group goes for pizza and sits outside on a big patio and catches up on life. So nice. So many new faces coming out of their homes for the first times since COVID.

What are y’all grateful for this morning?

My dogs my kids a roof over my head food for my belly and to no that there is a place with people that understand me with out it I would be hopeless. I gratefull fir my parents still alive and made it though Covid that I don’t call as much as I show or help them out because I use my anxiety as an excuse but I am gonna call them today as soon as I send this message. I was looking for a screw to fix a broken cabinet and low and behold I found three of my AA COINS it was only three I use to have more. Bit it was my 24hr coin my 30day coin and my one year coin I hadn’t even had an inkling of a clue where they were all the love and prayers and energy to people put into it I’m keeping those three coins on me at all times like under clothes thank you. In my addiction I forget i lost hope And you don’t appreciate the things but you do have that you should be grateful for You’re so into beat your self up and focusing on all the bad thank you I have a pitbull looks kind of like your pup I’ll send a picture after I talk to my mom thank you it made me feel really good inside

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Keeper is a pitty Catahoula mix.

Yeah I have gotten my pitbull from I made society and I have a Pomeranian Shih Tzu mix