Good morning friends! It’s rainy and yucky on this Saturday

Good morning friends!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday :grinning:


Good morning! It’s going to be a great day, the weather is looking great so that will definitely help.

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That is it!!! Weather here is rainy and stormy today but not gonna affect my good mood :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Plenty to do on a rainy day! Enjoy every minute :slightly_smiling_face:

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:grinning: my two kiddos definitely make it better sitting inside on days like this!

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I have two little ones and am hosting a sleepover, again! They seem to help me. Who would’ve guessed that More kids screaming and yelling and laughing could be therapeutic. Kinda funny. Enjoy the rainy day activities! We will be.

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Here too

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Same! Rainy day in ATL but remember - living things grow in the rain :black_heart:


A rainy morning here in Seattle too, got my coffee and a snoring dog in my lap🥰 Hope everyone has a restful weekend.

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